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Athamanatha Kitsune / The_Geneticiser
TAPR Open Hardware License v1.0The hardware of the molecular reader and manipulator that will bring to you an open source way to edit your DNA en masse. Requires the GUESS as its software counterpart, and Victory Vectors are the recommended medium of genetic transfer.
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Athamanatha Kitsune / Victory_Vectors
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis is the project for the development of the vectors which will proliferate and transmit the changes to the genomes of the host cells.
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Athamanatha Kitsune / Taxonomy_Generator
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterTo prevent the despair of scientists worldwide at the nomenclatural nightmare of classifying species continuously evolving within indefinite lifespans, a taxonomy generator program suited to creating species names for GUESS beneficiaries is proposed.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / The_OGRE
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThe Optical Genetic Recognition Engine. This is a system that can be used as a GUESS module or separately, to interpret the scanning inputs and to smartly direct scanning apparatus of the Geneticiser for optimal DNA reading from optical imagery.
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Darian Reck / Laberation
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterLiberation from aberration, through collaberation in Laberation! This is the online lab & store that provides our platform for the world to share their gene edits and cures. Somewhere between Gitlab, Bandcamp, Openbazaar and Crypto-Swartz.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Neng
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterNanotechnological Engineering. This Victory Vectors module handles the creation of properly synthetic devices made for use with, by or as all or part of the Vectors. Includes the ROVERS vector system.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Microbiome
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis is for anything specific to the microbiome; the gut bacteria, the organisms on your skin and in your various crevices and orifices. It is the module for ensuring they are not negatively affected by genetic modifications or mutations.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Uncanny_Valley
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis is a visual recognition AI sense-checking algorithm intended to supplement the range of warnings and errors The GUESS can provide with regard to cosmetic effects of changes, during simulation. It is a Graphical Model Module of The GUESS.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Geneticiser_Driver
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis is a module for the fine tuned controls and software to hardware interfacing of the Geneticiser. This is a Hardware Drivers & Firmware module.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Fluid_Dynamics
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis module deals with fluid dynamics, finding the bottlenecks and optimal routes in circulation, capacities and diffusion, osmosis and transport.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / SLoMSO
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterStrain & Load Modelling & Structural Optimisation. This is a Graphical Model Module for the GUESS. It requires the use of physics and graphics processing.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Electrical_Signalling
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis is a neuroscientific module which may also be deployed in non-neuronal cellular simulations, e.g. in the development of bio-electronics.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Nerve_Growth
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThe growth of nerves is so different it gets its own neuroscientific module for the GUESS.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Transcription
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis general Cellular Module of the GUESS includes Transcription Factor Determination and will eventually, once technology allows, include Quantum Nucleoacoustics modelling.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Vectors_Factors
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThe Transcription Factors needed for the propagation and implementation of a Vector are calculated in this Victory Vectors variant on the General Cellular 'Transcription' module.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / Vectron
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThe purpose of Vectron is to switch the vectors on and to transmit data securely to them. This is a Hardware Drivers & Firmware module for The GUESS.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / HIP_DAME
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterHormones, Immunity & Pathways, Dismantlement & Apoptosis Models of Effects: General Cellular modules of the GUESS, handling a broad range of effects on multiple levels from hormones and protein pathways via immunity to cell death and recycling.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / DEFS
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterDNA Editing, Folding and Structure. This is a Victory Vectors module for the assembly of and safe propagation and implementation of Vectors and their contents.
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TheGUESSUniversalEditingSuiteandSDK / DNA_Computing
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThis is a Vulpine Computing and Victory Vectors crossover module for the exploration of DNA-based computing and storage technologies and their direct implementation potential in a Victory Vectors setting.